The next few months were madness. I must have interviewed dozens of stylist, all eager to work for 'The Vidal Sassoon'. Plus Vidal took me with him dozens of times to the chemist, discussing & working on the hair care products. He wanted a full line, from shampoo to hair spray, & he knew exactly how each type needed to perform on every different hair type & texture. As tiring as this trips were, I marveled at Vidal's knowledge & commitment to create a product that was beneficial to our clientele.
Finally, Vidal & I agreed one three stylists to join our team, & the Vidal Sassoon Products had arrived!
"Well, we did it, CeCe", He had a smile that lite up a room.
"Yes, you did. Thank heavens that problems solved."
"We did it, I said," he came back with, "I couldn't have done all of this alone. You made it all easier on me. That's why I pay you the big bucks!"
We looked at each other & burst out laughing together.
Vidal was a man of integrity, honesty, with a huge amount of fairness and compassion for everyone that he comes in contact with. He showed only the highest respect for his stylists, and complimented freely when a job was well done. He also gave criticism when needed, but always out of ear shot of anyone else being present. Working for this man was hard work, but he was highly admired by all of us.
It was a Sunday that Vidal & I were in the salon. We were setting up the display shelves for the products, & checking the inventory, pricing, filling the shampoo area. Again Agnes didn't wash the coffee pot before she left Saturday.I got upset again & Vidal laughed at me.
"Why does she do this?" I held up the pot to show him
"Have you thought that maybe it's her way of ensuring that she has a job the next day?" He sat in one of the couches & crossed his legs.
"Insuring?" Does he have a glass of wine over there? "I've told her dozens of times to make sure everything is clean before she leaves!"
"Yes, yes, CeCe," He was chuckling now. I was getting upset! "You tell her at least once a week that she didn't clean something, but, she always leaves one very simple thing for the next day."
"So, you think it's a job security thing to her?"
"Might be, does she know that you've hired another shampoo person?" He was really getting a charge out of this.
"Well, yes, of course!" I was beginning to see his thought process of Agnes.
Vidal gave me a wink, got up from the couch, quietly laughing to himself. I made a mental note to tell Agnes tomorrow that she would be the head shampoo person, that it was her position to dedicate work to the new girl & train her how we process the clients for each stylist. If Vidal was right, Agnes might feel threatened. Oh My God, an insecure shampoo girl, & three new stylists, new products to sell, And it's not even Monday yet!
How to Implement a Zero Waste Business Strategy
5 years ago
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