Viet Nam was still in the news daily. Government was telling us that there wasn't a war happening, but we were hearing stories of our men coming home physically & emotionally messed up. One of my new clients, Richard, had just finished his tour over there, & the stories he told were really sad. In fact, Richard lost his right leg from a bomb that killed two of his buddies. He told us how easily the troops were given drugs to stop pain &/or just to go thru the functions of fighting. The troops had pot, cocain, heroin, just about anything to keep them going. I knew that Richard was doing drugs, especially since he always smelled of pot.
"We need more people to protest this war," Richard was more stoned than I had ever seen him.
"How will that help?" I asked as I continued to cut his hair.
The President is lying to us. The V.A. is acting like they have nothing to do with us. We were drafted damed it, & forced to go to Viet Nam & now, the injured, handicapped, & seriously sick can't get medical benifits that is due to us."
The anger & fear that was in Richards voice was heart breaking. I was blow drying his hair when I saw a tear roll down his cheek.
"Maybe, I should go over there." Josef worked in the station next to mine, & over heard Richard.
"And what will you do for the troops?" piped in Aaron, flipping his hair back with his wrist.
"Oh, I could help them fight", Josef placed his hand on his hip, & flipped his other had in the air.
All of us started laughing. We could just imagine Josef with a rifle or gun, swishing as he walked through the fields.
"And what will you wear, Josef?" asked Vidal
"Oh, yes, those uniforms are sooo tacky," he picked up a hair brush & started to fix his hair. I'll just simply have to come up with something!", he sighed.
"I know exactly what you'll come up with," I added. Again the whole group laughed.
"CeCe!" Josef gasped at me, " How can you think such a thing?"
Richard was laughing really hardy now. I was glad that Josef had a way of turning almost everything into a 'drag show'.
"CeCe, you little slut", responed Josef, laughing himself, "Why I could simply entertain them. Are there any'Gay Viet Namies?"
"If not," asnwered Brad, "I'm sure your willing to change that, heh, Josef?"
"Whell!" Josef but on his best 'queen' pose & face, "I'm not THAT easy!"
"Yes, you are!" Brad & Josef went to the clubs a lot together. Brad knew how flirty Josef was.
"Hush up now Brad. I could tell some stories about youhoo."
Richard was placing a $100.00 bill in my hand as he waved good-bye to us, still laughing. I was grateful to Josef for making Richard laugh.
I made a mental note to watch the news more carefully tonight.
How to Implement a Zero Waste Business Strategy
5 years ago
1 comment:
Why don't we get it!?
Government lie? Are you kidding!
I was a young girl during this time but I clearly remember my Dad saying things like "We have to stop the rats before they reach Los Angeles"! At 8 or 9 years old that scared me a lot! I't funny how we've heard a similar threat from this administration but this time I'm not so afraid! I think it's always been a tactic of the government to try to scare us into needing to go to was... While all this was going on I was happy going to the beauty salon with my Gramma Brooks for her weekly set. I can still small the smells of that salon! I love it!
Have a great hair day! Becci
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