We Were Open! The salon was huge! Ten stations, five shampoo sinks, four manicurists stations, three client changing rooms, plus a beautiful client waiting area, with two couches, four living room chairs, glass top coffee table & chandeliers. Mirrors, glass & deep mahogany wood accented the green walls. 'Vidal Sassoon's Unisex Hairstylists', beautifully painted on the huge windows. We were open at last.
Vidal hired three additional stylists. I was honored that he included me in the selection & discussions of their qualifications. The three that were chosen were very talented & eager to learn more. Josef was Vidal's first choice. He was besides talented, very handsome & obviously gay. Josef made us laugh all of the time, finding something funny about almost everything. I loved being in his company.
Michele was beautiful, & she knew it. Men just gravitated to her. She also had the ability to laugh at herself, which also kept laughter flowing.
Charles was a little more serious than the rest of us. He reminded me of Steve McQueen, & I would find myself starring at him while he worked. That tough, rugged sex appeal. And his female clients just threw themselves at him. Of course he was a huge flirt, so every woman in his chair felt special.
Opening day was crazy. News & magazine reporters were interviewing all of us. Photographers snapping pictures constantly. The excitement was intense.
Anne Marie wasn't at the opening. A month prior to the Grand Opening, Vidal, Anne Marie & I were having dinner, when Vidal told me that he wanted for me to work at his salon.
"CeCe," he said placing his wine glass down, "I very much would love for you to work with me at my salon."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement!
"Vidal," My mind went blank. I'd thought of the possibility, & here it sits on my lap! In the past few months I had learned so much from this man, could only imagine what more I could achieve.
"Now first, of course I will give you a raise, but, you will have additional duties to carry out for that increase. I want for you to be sort of my manager, take the daily responsibilities from my shoulders. Deal with the clientele & the hairdressers, inventory, bookings, etc."
Anne Marie looked from Vidal to me & back to Vidal. She poured herself a glass of wine & said nothing.
"I don't want an answer now. Sleep on it & let me know in the morning."
Our waiter brought over our meals. Conversation changed to politics, the war, & so on.
Dinner seemed to drag on, or was I just anxious to go home tonight?
How to Implement a Zero Waste Business Strategy
5 years ago
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